International Arbitration

International arbitration has become more prevalent in recent decades. International commerce and investment rely heavily on this dispute resolution mechanism. Thus, more and more countries are catering to this trend as investors generally try to avoid litigation in local courts. It is critical to have a clear understanding of what an arbitration clause in your contract may entail and more importantly to have adequate representation.

KB Strategies can provide you with vigorous representation before an arbitration body or during a contract negotiation. We can leverage our expertise and training in three legal systems (French Civil Code, U.S. Common Law and Islamic Law) to defend your interests. International arbitration can involve documents in foreign languages and this represents a significant challenge for non-native speaking counsel.

Translation is one solution but as everyone knows, translation remains a necessary evil. Documents may extend into idiomatic, colloquial and technical legal language that non-native speakers may not be able to grasp. Winning or losing a legal dispute may hinge on nuances of language in contracts, communications or other materials.

Let us leverage our native fluency in legal, business and colloquial English, French and Arabic to best position you for a decisive victory.